fredag 18. juni 2010


Well, sitting here in the store, looking out and watching the wind sweep over Hamar. I am not looking forward to going outside. But, what is a girl to do.
Had a lot of visitors at work today. Sindre and Katrine stopped by, and Siri was here. It is always nice to have friends over, because I just sit here. Watching the wind. Freezing when I think about going outside. Well, that's a typical Norwegian summer. Windy and rainy.

It's a good thing I'm going to Dublin and Florence this summer. Uhm, okay, Dublin isn't actually known for their warm weather, but at least I get to go outof the countrey. Florence on the other hand. I mean, going to Italy, in the middle of Tuscany in july. That's a challenge. Not only will there be lot's of people, but the temperature will be burning. At least I'll get a nice tan when I'm there. That's something. And, for heavens sake, it's Florence. Renaissance capital of the world!! That is my favourite art era. I know I will find a lot of Leonardo, Botticelli and Michelangelo there. The Uffizi is packed with paintings and sculptures from these artist, and I literally can't wait. I'm extatic that my family actually agreed going there with me, because I always am the one wanting to see EVERYTHING when we're on these trips.

Going to Dublin is also very exciting, although I've been there before. But I know I'll get to see something else when I'm there, because I'm travelling with two friends. The Guinnes House is a must, as well as the Jameson Destillery. But we are also planning on living the city for a day, travelling out to the ocean, seeing some castles and such. I think that will be very nice, getting away from the noisy city life.

Travelling is something I really enjoy, and I love seeing new places. But of course, a city like Florence for example isn't a city you can explore in four days. That's why I'll probably go back there sometime. Maybe even have a full Tuscany vacation on a vinyard. That would have been awesome. I mean, I love Italian wine and mountainsides and old renaissance citys and architecture.

Maybe I'll move to Tuscany someday. Haha. Learn Italian and grow winegrapes and make my own wine. Then I think I am on the wrong educational path. Oh well, what a shame!

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